Professor Wenwan Zhong of the University of California-Riverside is supported by the Chemical Measurement and Imaging (CMI) Program in the Division of Chemistry to develop a novel signal amplification approach for biochemical sensing based on cation exchange in ionic nanocrystals (CXAmp). The specific goals are: 1) to explore the kinetics and equilibria of cation exchange in nanocrystals; 2) to maximize the signal enhancement factor of cation exchange amplification; and 3) to apply this novel sensing methodology for the detection of viral particles in human serum. A problem-based learning approach will be established in the upper division undergraduate chemistry course "Instrumental Methods Laboratory." A chemical education programs at the Riverside Public library will be initiated using educational material available on the ACS web site.
Functional biomolecules in biological and biomedical samples are often present at trace concentration levels. This project promises to lead to a highly sensitive signaling strategy for the sensing and the analysis of trace amounts of such biomolecules. The project will also provide new knowledge about the reactivity and stability of nanocrystals in biological systems and the environment, thus enhancing their applications in biomedical research.