This award from the Division of Chemistry supports a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Nebraska led by Andrzej Rajca, Mark Griep, and Marilyne Stains for three summers, commencing in 2012. The site will support nine students per summer in a ten week program. The projects focus on chemical assembly and are specifically tailored to stimulate student curiosity by provoking students to ask, "Why?" and "How?" about their research. Sample projects include: (1) assembling nanocluster catalysts; (2) late stage introduction of fluorine into drug-like molecules; (3) synthesis of conjugation/linking elements for nanohybrid materials; (4) rapid analysis of drug-protein interactions; (5) electrochemical sensors using biomolecules; (6) organic radicals for organic magnets, spin labels, and MRI contrast agents; (7) composite biomaterials for bone grafts; (8) assembly of graphene nanostructures with semiconductive properties; (9) macromolecular assembly as a switch for protein function; (10) noble metal nanocrystals with high index facets. In addition, students will develop skills in communicating their research to scientists (meeting abstract, poster and oral presentations) and science learners (development and enactment of a mini-lesson), they will learn about careers in both industry (through field trips) and academia, and they will be trained on state of the art instruments and in ethics. Through a competition, five students each year will receive a travel grant to travel and to present their research at a regional or national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Young scientists need exposure to modern research methods and tools as part of their training. This REU site aims to provide cutting-edge research training in chemical assembly of relevance to innovations in the areas of information technology, targeted medicines, functional materials, energy storage, and beyond. The site will provide opportunities for research to a significant number of students who might not otherwise be reached. The diverse student cohort participating in research at this site will be well-prepared for graduate school, and eventual employment as part of the country's technical workforce.