This award by the Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation, the Division of Biological Infrastructure, and the Department of Defense's (DOD) "Awards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences" (ASSURE) Program support a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at Vanderbilt University for the summers of 2012-2014. Ten students will be selected for the REU program each year. Students will train in the interdisciplinary, team science environment of chemical biology while participating in scientific and professional development activities. Students will be co-mentored by collaborating faculty in Chemistry and the College of Medicine on one of 22 ongoing research projects. Students will broaden their horizons though a variety of scientific and professional development experiences (probe and drug development symposium, ethics (responsible conduct in research], safety training, reading scientific papers, GRE preparation, and weekly scientific seminars). Specially trained graduate student mentors will provide scientific and professional guidance that is tailored to each student's needs. The objective is to train a select group of 10 rising junior and senior chemistry, biochemistry/biology majors with high potential for careers in chemical and/or biomedical research. Applications will be actively solicited from institutions that enhance the diversity of the REU program. Through extensive mentoring and authentic research experiences, this program will impact the student's understanding of the research process and the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research.