The Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program of the Chemistry Division supports studies of professor Jovica D. Badjic of the Ohio State University on elucidating mechanisms and operation of gated molecular baskets in organic and aqueous media. The first objective of the program is to disclose rules that characterize the kinetics of stereoselective gated encapsulation and investigate the importance of the process of gating for (a) completing a kinetic resolution of stereoisomers and (b) controlling the outcome of chemical reactions. The second objective of the program centers on exploring the kinetics of gated encapsulation in aqueous media. In particular, the aim is to develop water-soluble baskets and study/optimize their mechanism of action. The hydrophobic effect, in synergy with directional non-covalent interactions, is expected to permit the gating for modulating the encapsulation kinetics and delivery of useful drugs in water. Finally, the benefit of molecular encapsulation and gating for promoting organocatalytic transformations in water is to be investigated for developing aqueous supramolecular catalysts.
A fundamental understanding of the translocation of molecules and its control in complex chemical systems will help developing more effective catalysts for the conversion of feedstock chemicals into valuable products in future. In addition, exploring new ways for a delivery of potent drugs at a precise rate will benefit society by transforming current pharmaceutical technologies. The proposed program is designed to educate graduate and postdoctoral students to identify research opportunities beyond the field of supramolecular chemistry. In addition, the proposed work aims to enhance cultural and gender diversity at all levels and increase the number of underrepresented minorities and women researchers at the Ohio State University.