Molecular recognition and self-assembly are powerful approaches to fabricate materials of complex architecture and to assemble functional systems for applications in environmental remediation, drug delivery, and biomedical sensing. Prof. Flood at Indiana University studies how molecules interact with each other in order to increase our fundamental understanding of the factors governing molecular recognition and self-assembly. This project also provides student training, usage of 3D printed molecules to enhance scientific understanding, and opportunities for technology transfer.
With the support from the Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry Program of the NSF Division of Chemistry, Professor Flood conducts research to understand the factors controlling the anion-driven recognition and assemblies of shape-persistent macrocycles. There are three specific aims in this project. Aim 1 focuses on examining the factors that affect the formation of complexes between hydroxyanions and cyanostar macrocycles in solution. Aim 2 seeks to establish the correlation between the anion-driven binding and template-directed synthesis and create prototypes of molecular switches. Aim 3 strives to develop the rules governing the directed assembly of cyanostars into dodecahedra enabling their high-fidelity preparation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.