In this project, funded by the Chemical Structure, Dynamics & Mechanisms B Program of the Chemistry Division, Professor Matthew Shores of the Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University is exploring new classes of transition metal complexes that can serve as molecular switches. Complexes that can exist in and reliably switch between two well-defined magnetic states offer the possibility for functional materials development at the nano- and molecular length scales. Along with fostering a fundamental approach to underdeveloped chemical processes, these results will inform design principles of anion sensors, switchable molecular magnets, and magnetic resonance contrast agents. The project combines several synthetic, measurement and computational techniques to provide diverse training for the graduate and undergraduate research students involved. The group?s expertise in magnetic measurements and data interpretation will promote discovery via several ongoing and new magnetic collaborations with inorganic and materials chemistry research groups around the country.
Switchable molecular magnet behavior has been reported with respect to spin crossover complexes and single molecule magnets. Refinement of desirable properties is complicated by their extreme sensitivity to environmental conditions. To nullify serendipity in their development, Shores' research aims to decipher the impact of noncovalent interactions on the local electronic structure of transition metal complexes. The specific research goals for this project are the development of predictive models for magnetic state switching through computational techniques; the refinement of the foundational principles of noncovalent interactions to aid in the design of chemical triggers; and the establishment of a structure function relationship with respect to minute distortions and magnetic properties.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.