This award is supported by the Major Research Instrumentation and the Chemistry Research Instrumentation programs. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is acquiring a benchtop, single-crystal X-ray diffractometer to support Professor Deidra Gerlach and colleague Jason Halfen. This diffractometer allows research in a variety of fields of significant economic importance such as catalysis which is important to advance manufacturing. In general, an X-ray diffractometer allows accurate and precise measurements of the full three-dimensional structure of a molecule, including bond distances and angles. The instrument also provides accurate information about the spatial arrangement of a molecule relative to neighbors. The studies to be performed may impact many areas, including organic and inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry and biochemistry. This instrument is an integral part of teaching as well as research and research training of undergraduate students in chemistry and biochemistry at this institution as well other departments. The science enabled by this instrument has the potential to impact society.Crystallographic studies of compounds prepared by students will foster students' engagement in the research enterprise and lead to an enhanced frequency and quality of research products, including student coauthored publications and extramural presentations. By making in-house structure determination routine, the instrument will provide a significant boost to student development and preparation for advanced coursework and entry into graduate programs. The instrument will promote significant outreach and collaborative possibilities by providing crystallographic support to the researchers of nearby campuses providing long-term impact on ongoing departmental efforts to enhance the recruitment and retention of women, low income/first generation college students, and members of underrepresented groups to pursue coursework and careers in the chemical sciences, part of a broader institutional emphasis to recruit and retain a diverse, inclusive student body.
The award of the X-ray diffractometer is aimed at enhancing research and education at all levels. It especially impacts studies of effects of structural variation on organometallic catalysis. The instrumentation is used to analyze conformation and configuration effects of fluorophores. In addition, it provides information on benzylidenecamphore organocatalysts. The diffractometer is also used to study the mechanism of the Vitamin K cycle.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.