This Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, TN, will support the training of 10 undergraduate students for an immersive 10-week research experience during the summers of 2021-2023. The program provides research opportunities in chemical biology within the laboratories of seasoned Vanderbilt faculty mentors, as well as exposure to new areas of research through interdisciplinary scientific seminars. In an effort to prepare and support students for their future scientific careers, a complementary professional development seminar series is included in the summer research experience and covers essential topics such as research ethics, safety training, abstract writing, and poster presentation techniques. Seminars on applying to graduate school, seeking out funding opportunities and a separate GRE preparation class are also available to participants to help prepare them for post-secondary education opportunities. Ultimately, this program aims to promote and train a diverse body of students for careers in the scientific workforce by providing them with immersive interdisciplinary research experiences.
The Vanderbilt chemical biology-themed REU program aims to recruit a diverse group of undergraduate students who are majoring in chemistry, biochemistry and biology for careers in trans-disciplinary chemical or biochemical research. Research topics include proteomics, structural biology, chemical synthesis, and synthetic biology. Diverse role models, including alumni and faculty, offer pictures of success pursuing research directions that integrate human health and basic science. Through personalized mentoring and an authentic research experience, this program is designed to help students develop the understanding and tenacity necessary for a career in cutting-edge chemical biology research.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.