This proposal is in the general area of analytical and surface chemistry, broadly defined. During a ten week period between 1 June 1987 and 31 August 1987, five faculty members from colleges and universities that do not offer the PhD degree in chemistry will carry out collaborative research in analytical chemistry with faculty members from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK). Research participants from the undergraduate institutions will be selected from applicants who respond to UTK's announcement of the summer research program. This activity is analogous to the support of undergraduate institution faculty through Research Opportunity Awards (ROAs). In this case, however, participating faculty from the undergraduate institutions will not have necessarily prearranged their summer research activities with particular UTK faculty members. Rather, they will establish their collaborative arrangements after they have had an opportunity to consider fully all of the research programs of the host institution participating faculty. In addition to the research activities of this program, UTK faculty and scientists from nearby Oak Ridge National Laboratory will present a series of tutorials covering current resarch tools and topics that constitute modern chemical analysis. Also, representatives from Federal and private sector funding agencies that have strong commitments to the support of quality research programs in undergraduate institutions will address the participants and describe mechanisms whereby such support can be competitively sought. There is strong indication that this type of activity can contribute significantly to the infrastructure of the participants' home institutions as well as to the infrastructure of the subdiscipline of analytical and surface chemistry.