Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) is emgerging as an important analytical technique for the separation of organic compounds with molecular weights as high as about 1000 amu, 600 amu above the present capability of conventional gas chromatography (GC). An SFC instrument will allow a variety of new experiements to be performed in teaching laboratories. Experiments which are planned include the analysis of polymeric reaction products in Organic Chemsitry Laboratory, analysis of long chain fatty acids in Quantitative Analysis, and the comparison of SFC with High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and GC for the analysis of polar molecules in Instrumental Analysis. SFC will also be used in the honors section of general chemistry, and in undergraduate introduction to research. In addition, the acquisition of an SFC will provide students the opportunity to learn about the properties and uses of critical fluids. This ILI award, jointly supported by the Chemistry Shared Instrumentation Program and the USEME Division of SEE, will help the Department of Chemistry at Tennessee Technological University to acquire an SFC apparatus that will enhance the udergraduate laboratory instruction in this RUI Department.