A detailed study of intra- and intermolecular interactions in more complicated structures -- DNA, polypetides and small proteins, complex natureal products, polymetallic species and enzyme mimics requires less routine 1D NMR experiments, pulse sequences for various 2D NMR experiemtns, solvent supression, and variable temperature experiments. Multinuclear high field NMRs are ideally suited for use in these more complicated structures. The results from these NMR studies are useful in areas, such as polymers, catalysis, and in biology. This award from the Chemistry Shared Instrumentation Program will help the Department of Chemsitry at the University of Illinois acquire 400 MHz NMR spectrometer. The 400 MHz NMR spectrometer will be used in research investigations in the following areas of chemistry: 1. Specificity of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis and New Methodology for Organic Synthesis 2. Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Transition Metal- Mediated Organic Reactions 3. Selective Oxidation Chemistry on Soluble Oxides 4. Dimensional Probes of Enzyme-Coenzyme Binding Sites - 2D NMR Techniques 5. New Coordination Modes for Thiophene Complexation 6. Selective Oxidation with Osmium (VI) and Ruthenium (VI) Organometallic Complexes 7. Synthetic Analogues of Heme Proteins 8. Need for Fluorine NMR Capability 9. Structures and Biosynthesis of Antibiotics and Marine- Dervied Compounds 10. Synthetic and Mechanistic Investigations in Organic Chemistry 11. Further Studies of the Triplex Diels-Alder Reaction 12. Synthetic Structural and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry