The Department of Chemistry will purchase a Mass Spectrometer/Gas Chromatograph (GC/MS) for the undergraduate laboratory. This project will significantly improve the education of undergraduates in chemistry by integrating a mass spectrometer with gas chromatographic interface into the undergraduate chemistry laboratory curriculum at the University of Georgia. Students need hands-on experience with this increasingly important tool for chemical research. This instrument is ideal for teaching and demonstrating many fundamental chemical principles. In the honors freshman program, mass spectra will demonstrate the simple concepts of isotopes, isomers, ionization potentials, and electron affinities. In upper division analytical, organic, and inorganic labs for chemistry majors, more in-depth studies will probe the increased versatility and sensitivity provided for separations as well as both qualitative and quanitative analyses. Physical chemistry applications will focus on the energetics and mechanisms of gas phase ion chemistry. To insure the widest possible use of this equipment, periodic short courses on mass spectrometry will be offered as well as regularly scheduled access to the instrument for nearby college faculty and students. The experiments developed here will be disseminated by development of laboratory manuals, presentation at meetings, and publication in journals. Overall, students will gain practical experience with important equipment and ideas in a way which should stimulate their interest in the critically important discipline of chemistry.