This research will concentrate on radical-based organoantimony chemistry, relying on the coordination of metal centered radicals by an adjacent hetero atom prior to intramolecular iodine atom transfer from carbon to antimony. Tetraphenyl distibine, diphenylstibine and allyl(diphenyl)stibine will be examined as selective reagents for the conversion of alkyl halides, chalcogenides and other precursors into alkylstibines, alcohols, compounds bearing allylic substituents, nitroalkenes and ethers. The methods will be extended to other antimony reagents, to other Group V elements and to tin(IV) compounds bearing electron withdrawing ligands. These studies will clarify the mechanism of radical selectivity and provide a new strategy for synthetic chemistry that will be applied to the concise synthesis of several natural products. %%% With this renewal award, the Synthetic Organic Program is supporting the research of Dr. Anthony G.M. Barrett of the Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University. Dr. Barrett will focus his work on the development of selective synthetic methodology based upon metal centered radicals generated from antimony compounds.