This investigation of intramolecular and solvation dynamics in ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy is a part of the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Program of the Division of Chemistry. The optical response of chromophores in polar and nonpolar liquids is being computationally simulated. Both benzene/argon and water clusters are being studied. Methods for calculating the cooperative radiative dynamics of confined excitons is being developed and applied to the excitonic response of rare-gas clusters. Superradiance and polariton effects on retarded intermolecular interactions in liquids and disordered solids are being treated in a consistent way. %%% Modern spectroscopic methods often reveal how molecules in liquids and solids interact with each other and with radiation. This information can be obtained with aid of theories and computational simulations of the types being developed in this program of studies and applied to systems such as clusters of water molecules.