In this project in the Physical Chemistry Program of the Chemistry Division, Profs. Christophorou and Pinnaduwage of the Physics Department of the University of Tennessee will investigate the electron attachment to electronically excited molecules. Included in the studies are: comprehensive 2-color electron attachment experiments on highly-excited states of molecular hydrogen and oxygen; photodetachment experiments to confirm the production of negative hydrogen and oxygen atomic ions; measurement of electron attachment to long-lived, low-lying electronically-excited states of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide; and measuerment of electron attachment to electronically-excited photofragments produced via laser irradiation of carbon dioxide. In contrast to extensive, previous electron attachment studies on molecules in their electronic ground state, only very few studies have been performed on electronically excited molecules owing to the great experimental difficulties encountered. New techniques have recently been developed by the principal investigator to make such investigations easier to do. The present work will exploit these advances through a systematic study with simple molecules in order to obtain a better understanding of the basic electron attachment process in molecules in low-lying as well those in high-lying electronically excited states.