This project, supported by the Analytical and Surface Chemistry Program, is in the general area of bioanalytical chemistry. The activity, which has as its primary thrust infrastructure development, provides support for four faculty from undergraduate institutions to enable their participation in research activities at the University of Kansas during ten-week summer periods. In addition, three faculty who have been supported during previous summers will return to Kansas for two weeks to update their research. It is designed as an aggregated NSF Research Opportunity Award (ROA) and has become known in the chemistry community as a Macro-ROA. By providing faculty from regional undergraduate institutions with such research opportunities, this program serves not only to maintain or rejuvenate their interest in research pursuits, but also to update them regarding modern bioanalytical chemistry in a collegial setting. The focus of this project is the support of seven faculty from undergraduate institutions for research and training in bioanalytical chemistry. Experiences garnered by participants in this program are passed on to their students in their respective institutions. This infrastructure investment serves to maintain topical currency on the part of the participants and to indirectly promote the development of their student's interest in careers in chemistry.