9321977 Stermitz The focus of this research will be the study of the biosynthesis of 2,6-disubstituted piperidine alkaloids in Ponderosa pine and Colorado blue spruce. Further, the bioactivity testing of the alkaloids should define the importance of these compounds in plant/herbivore interactions. Research on plant/insect interactions center on the study of iridoid glycosides from Scrophulariaceae and the specialist lepodoptera whose larva feed on the plants. It is anticipated that free-flying butterflies can be used to help identify larval food plants. %%% With this renewal award, the Synthetic Organic Program is supporting the research of Dr. Frank R. Stermitz of the Department of Chemistry at Colorado State University. Professor Stermitz will focus his work on the isolation, stucture, biosynthesis and ecological role piperidine alkaloids in conifer species and in the isolation and structural characterization of iridoid glycosides and the importance of these compounds in plant/insect interactions. ***