This award from the Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities (CRIF) Program will help the Department of Chemistry at the University of Wyoming to purchase a high performance departmental computer cluster for research involving large scale calculations. The new computer will be used in support for the following projects: (1) a computational examination of the reactions of organic sulfides and thioketones with singlet oxygen, (2) theoretical/experimental correlations of the small molecule immunoinorganic cytotoxins, (3) electronic structure studies of adsorbate induced reconstruction of metal surfaces, (4) an investigation of fluoroalkylphosphine electronic properties, and (5)computational studies of high energy density organosulfur compounds. A network of fast, modern computer workstations is a new way to satisfy the computing needs of chemistry departments. Such a `computer network` also serves as a development environment for new theoretical codes and algorithms, provides graphics and visualization facilities, and supports research in state-of-the-art applications of parallel processing.