This CAREER award in the Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Chemistry program supports research to characterize the mechanism of biotin-dependent carboxylase (BDC) enzymes, by Professor Matthew Caudle of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Arizona State University. This class of enzymes, along with related enzymes, is responsible for the bioconversion of carbon dioxide and carbonates into organic compounds. The strategy employed involves the preparation of Mg(II), Mn(II), Zn(II) and other first-row divalent metal complexes functionally similar to BDC enzymes using ligands ranging from simple amido anions to biotin itself. Following synthesis and characterization of these complexes, they will be examined for carbon dioxide uptake, transfer and reaction in the presence of potential organic substrates. The specific chemico-structural features of those complexes which result in carbon dioxide sequestration and carbon-carbon bond formation will be identified.
The goal of this research is to develop non-biological chemical compounds that can fix carbon dioxide by analogy to the functioning of the relevant enzymes. These materials contain metal ions complexed to amino acids and related ligands and will provide new insight into the mechanism of carbon dioxide fixation by biological systems, as well as contribute to the design of synthetic catalysts. Such catalysts will have considerable environmental and industrial impacts by converting a greenhouse gas into useful substances. There is a strong focus on motivating undergraduates to become involved in research through direct participation in departmental seminars. A significant feature of this effort is a corresponding assessment plan which will evaluate the effectiveness of the program and provide a means for continuous improvement.