This award, by the Chemistry Division, supports Dr. William T. Pennington and other members of the Department of Chemistry at Clemson University in continuing a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site in chemistry. For the period 2000 - 2002 30 undergraduate students will spend ten weeks each performing original research under the supervision and guidance of Clemson Chemistry faculty each summer. An eminent chemist will be invited to give the opening lecture for the student research symposium. Other activities in the program include: training in presentation of research results, training in lab safety, seminars, field trips and workshops on specialized topics relevant to the research experience. Students will be counseled on post graduate chemical education and their career progress will be tracked after their participation in the program. In the selection process preference will be given to students from less research-intensive institutions in the ten-state region surrounding Clemson and special emphasis will be placed on recruitment of students from groups presently underrepresented among those holding degrees in chemistry. Each summer program will culminate in a symposium in which students will present their summer's work in a poster format.