This Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) project is to explore the development of a unified mechanics model for prediction of chatter during high-speed milling; in particular, for systems with flexible tools and flexible workpieces. The developed model will include time-delay effects and loss of contact effects, and it will allow for features such as partial engagement of a tool with the workpiece. Stability information will be obtained by using tools from the nonlinear dynamics area. This model will be analytically and numerically studied to determine stability charts in terms of parameters such as spindle speed and axial depth of cut and the sensitivity of these charts to feed rate and feed direction will be examined. Experiments will be conducted to validate the model predictions.
A potential risk involved in the development of the model is due to the lack of readily available cutting force data for high-speed milling operations. If successful, the development of this model will have a tremendous impact on simulating workpiece-tool interactions, selecting machining parameters, and redesigning tools for important industrial problems such as the machining of T-shaped stiffeners and return flanges with long end mills and the machining of difficult-to-machine materials.