This workshop brings together researchers and government officials engaged in investigative, response, and recovery activities at the World Trade Center (WTC) site of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. The workshop dates are December 12-13, 2001 and the location is New York City, reflecting its sponsor and coordinating organization for the WTC research efforts: the NSF-supported Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems, housed at New York University's Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.
The workshop's goals are to enable information sharing with the aim of identifying technological, economic, and social research areas to pursue; potential collaborators or partners; gaps of knowledge that new research must address, and areas of research and participation that will not be productive nor useful. Outputs from the workshop will include 1) a web site resource for researchers; 2) preliminary findings papers from the participants; and 3) a summary of the research themes and input from decision-makers , which will also be disseminated on the web.