The purpose of this project is to provide financial assistance to engineering students to attend the 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Exposition (IMECRDDE), sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), International. The focus of the conference will center around theoretical issues, engineering methodologies, industrial applications, and RD&D in various areas of Mechanical Engineering, including Dynamic Systems and Control. The primary goal of this project is to expose students to current advances in these areas. Furthermore, ASME Dynamic System and Control Division (DSCD) Student members will become and maintain active participation in ASME DSCD activities. As part of a continued initiative of the ASME DSCD, the PI will organize travel support for DSCD student attendees, in the form of IMECRDDE 2004 Student Travel Grants. These grants will be advertised nationally.
As a result of the proposed Student Travel Grants, DSCD student conference attendees will actively participate in dynamic system and control sessions. They will present papers and attend sessions in their various areas of research specialty and gain knowledge and insight for their research applications. It will also enable students to pursue their interests in other areas of dynamic systems and control.
DSCD Student Travel Grant awardees are required to attend the ASME DSCD Executive Meeting held during the conference. Here, students are encouraged to become more active within ASME and DSCD. They will meet and have access to other professionals in the same area of research. As such, the students will benefit from networking with people from all parts of the country and many parts of the world. With the benefits these students gain from this conference, they will be encouraged and to return and contribute more actively within the international dynamic systems and control community, ASME DSCD, and the entire scientific community.