This research program is directed towards a new innovation, Friction Stir Channeling (FSC). FSC produces a continuous hole in a monolithic plate. The objectives of this program are: (a) process development to produce an integral channel (also referred as conformal channel), (b) microstructure-property correlation of material around the channel, and (c) influence of channel shape, size and surface characteristics on performance of the heat exchanger. General Tool Company and NASA-Johnson Space Center are partners in this program. The process is capable of producing non-linear channels on a complex component with robotic friction stir welding machine. FSC offers several new opportunities as 'technology enabler.' Some examples are: integral channel(s) in a plate, cooling channels in tubular parts for semiconductor processing equipment, and conformal cooling channels. This program is likely to have several broader impacts. On the educational front, it will bring innovative ideas to undergraduate courses such as metal deformation processing and metals structure-property laboratories. Undergraduate researchers will be involved through the UMR-OURE program and the support from the Center for Friction Stir Processing at UMR. Heat exchangers are commonly used to alter the temperature of an operating system or heat transfer and total market is several billions of dollars. Friction stir channeling has the potential to create impact in several sub-components of this market, specifically, die casting and permanent mold industries, cold plate heat exchangers and semiconductor processing equipments. General Tool Company is one of the leading manufacturers of friction stir welding and processing machines and their involvement will result in technology transfer and successful implementation.