The 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) will be held August 24-30, 2008, in Adelaide, Australia. The U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM) of the National Academies proposes a fellowship program to support U.S. scientists and researchers presenting papers at the congress. Priority will be given to younger faculty, allowing them to gain from this international experience. A subcommittee of USNC/TAM will select the fellowship recipients from among eligible applicants. Every effort will be made to select a scientifically diverse group of recipients that will represent all areas of theoretical and applied mechanics. The availability of funds will be advertised nationally through the committee network ? especially the member societies, on the committee website, and through e-mail notification. These congresses provide a forum for researchers from around the world, working in federal and nonfederal research laboratories, industry, and academia, to present and discuss recent research findings and to define directions for future research work. The increased involvement of all researchers, both junior and senior, from the United States that this grant will enable will strengthen U.S. mechanics research and help build the future of the discipline. Graduate students and young researchers are the foundations on which future technological advances and the technical well being of the nation rest. Their attendance at the Congress, assisted with funding from this program, will expose them to the latest developments in theoretical and applied mechanics, enable them to interact with many of the leaders and pioneers in the field, help strengthen their understanding of basic principles, implant seeds for the future growth and development of theoretical and applied mechanics, and enable them to establish a more personal relationship with their peers.