Crystal dislocations are fundamental carriers of plastic deformation in crystalline materials and a good understanding of their behavior forms the scientific basis for improving the ability to manufacture new materials of high mechanical strength. To facilitate information exchange and academic discussions, the ?Dislocations 200X? international conference series was established in 2000 and has since become the major world forum on crystal dislocations taking place every four years on average. The purpose of this project is to establish a Travel Fellowship program to support 12 young outstanding researchers to attend the ?Dislocations 2008? conference to be held in Hong Kong, during October 13-17, 2008.
At the Dislocations 2008 conference, the cutting-edge research on the fundamental mechanisms of plastic deformation will be discussed. The close interaction between experimentalist and theorists, and the organized discussion sessions, are likely to lead to new ideas and scientific breakthroughs. The Travel Fellowship program enabled by this project will attract many young researchers to attend this conference, enabling them to engage in direct communications with the scientists of older generations. Without such a direct inter-generational communication there is a risk that the younger researchers may become disconnected from the wide and rich body of knowledge and experience accumulated by the older generations of dislocation scientists. Underrepresented groups in sciences and engineering, especially women, will be attracted and supported through the selection of speakers and fellowship awardees.