The research objective of this Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) project is to develop a method for rapid mechanical characterization of nanoscale structures, based on atomic force microscopy (AFM). The new method will rely on a recently researched controls scheme concept that uses two self-excited vibration signals to enable simultaneous imaging and 3-dimensional force spectroscopy. The work focuses on structures submerged in water and consists of a computational and an experimental phase. The computational phase includes continuum-atomistic simulation of the fluid, AFM probe and sample during characterization, while the experimental phase includes incorporation of new hardware into an existing microscope, development of controls software and commissioning of the method for the same samples as in the simulations. Deliverables include a process specification describing fundamental components, basic mechanisms and controls schemes; modeling and analysis tools, demonstration and validation via hardware, documentation of research results, engineering student education, and engineering research experiences for first-generation pre-college students.
If successful, the results of this work will broaden current AFM capabilities by enabling characterization of some of the most delicate biological samples in their native aqueous environment, and will lead to a more systematic, quantitative, and rapid evaluation of sub-nanometer mechanical properties. This will contribute to nanoscale engineering initiatives, such as nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing, which depend on the design of controllable structures with well-defined mechanical properties. The enhancement of AFM to characterize new biomaterials will also be beneficial in biological and medical fields like cancer research, genomics and cell reconstruction, where advances could directly contribute to improving the quality of life of human beings. Graduate and undergraduate engineering students and pre-college students will benefit through classroom instruction and involvement in the research.