The research objective of this GOALI award is the development of a dynamic multi-mode design methodology for an efficient energy conversion system. The research will characterize and model key design aspects of an engineering system that must undergo multiple operating conditions, formalize the design methodology, and validate the methodology in a realistic energy conversion system design case (diesel engine) with an industrial partner -- Caterpillar, Inc. The design methodology will utilize the idea of equilibrium (or complementarity) constraints in a multidisciplinary design optimization framework. The results of this research will provide and validate a new class of problems and solutions for dynamic multi-mode system design that is emerging from the energy conversion system design practices in industry, including alternative energy sources.
If successful, the results of this research will overcome limitations in existing design methods with respect to scalability, dynamic behavior and autonomous selection of operational modes. Long-term environmental and societal benefits include reducing emissions, decreasing negative environmental impact, and developing cleaner energy sources such as solar, wind, clean coal, hydrogen, among others. Designing energy conversion systems, including diesel engines, will be more efficient in complying with the stricter environmental regulatory policies. By adopting the new multi-mode design methodology, manufacturers will be able to achieve the goal of cost-effective compliance while producing energy conversion systems with better performance. Women and minority students will benefit from the education efforts in partnership with the Women in Engineering Program and the Morrill Engineering Program, and graduate students will gain valuable research experience via the industry-university research assistantship program.