The ability to control wave and acoustic response by designing microarchitecture has led to the emergence of linear and nonlinear acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals. While there has been great and growing interest in this area, much of the research has been performed with little cooperation on a large or national scale, and with little input from major funding establishments. The timing of the field is such that a great need exists to bring together members of multiple research communities (dynamical systems, mechanics of materials, MEMs, mathematics, physics, and others) and program managers from major funding sources (National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and others) to identify needs and research directions. Recognizing this need, the investigators will hold an inaugural AmeriMech Symposium on the Dynamic Response of Periodic Materials and Structures at the Georgia Institute of Technology in April, 2014. The symposium aims to bring together 40-50 junior and senior researchers working on periodic materials and structures in order to a) share recent and emerging developments in periodic structures and materials (cellular/lattice materials, acoustic metamaterials, phononic crystals); b) identify areas requiring new developments in theory, manufacturing technologies, and applications; and c) gather input from program managers on promising applications of periodic structures that are driven by national needs.
The symposium is anticipated to have broad impacts on national funding priorities and research directions in the area of periodic structures and materials. Participant presentations and panel discussions will be shared amongst a diverse audience of stakeholders with the intent purpose of identifying research needs, directions, and promising applications. The assistance of NSF funds will be targeted at broadening the participation of the symposium attendees to younger researchers (Assistant Professors and Postdoctoral Researchers), graduate students, and underrepresented groups via grants waiving the symposium registration fee and covering limited travel expenses. This funding will supplement funds already received from the National Academies' US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM), and matching funds committed by Georgia Tech and the University of British Columbia. Highlights from the symposium will be shared in electronic format on a dedicated symposium web page and distributed widely to participants, colleagues, and via requests from other interested parties.
The AmeriMech Symposium on the Dynamic Response of Periodic Materials and Structures was held in Atlanta, Georgia from April 3-4, 2014. The symposium was funded by the US National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the National Science Foundation, Georgia Tech, and the University of British Columbia. In attendance were 28 faculty members, program managers, and students from across the country, each of whom carry-out notable research on the topic of periodic materials, structures, and phononic systems. Outcomes from the NSF-funded project include the following: 1. A 51 page proceedings of extended abstracts summarizing state-of-the-art research in periodic materials, structures, and phononic systems. 2. Extended discussions from participants (via a panel and following individual talks) on the current status of the field and important research directions to pursue. 3. Full funding (travel, hotel, registration) of 8 students so that they could participate in the conference (this was the primary use of NSF funds) and gain exposure to leading researchers in the field. These 5 individuals included: Mr. Jason Kulpe, PhD student, Georgia Institute of Technology Ms. Katie Matlack, PhD student, Georgia Institute of Technology Mr. Dimitri Krattiger, PhD student, University of Colorado Boulder Ms. Ladan Salari-Sharif, PhD student, University of California Irvine Mr. Ankit Jain, PhD student, Carnegia Mellon University Mr. Adam Nagy, PhD student, Rutgers University Mr. Seyedhamidreza Alaie. PhD student, University of New Mexico Mr. Sahab Babaee, PhD student, Harvard University