The objective of this project is to replace some of the research equipment at the University of Rhode Island's Marine Geomechanics Laboratory (URI/MGL) that is being removed by a previous sponsoring agency, and to replace some used, outmoded equipment with state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation for research on marine sediments. The MGL facility has been an internationally recognized source for state-of-the-art developments in understanding the behavior of deep marine sediments and significant contributions have been made through field and laboratory studies and computer analysis. The project is directed at enhancing and extending the research capabilities of the current URI/MGL facility. The acquisition of the equipment requested in this proposal will greatly enhance the ability to carry on current and projected research. The primary specific projects that will directly benefit include: a) the ongoing NSF sponsored research on creep processes (in second year of 3-year project), b) a proposed program to study the as yet unexplained phenomenon of underconsolidation seen in certain deep sea regimes, c) a proposed program to study the processes by which debris flows are initiated, and d) a broader program on submarine slope processes. Other studies of nearshore sediments have been initiated. Most of the research is of critical importance to the nation in terms of utilization of the Exclusive Economic Zone for commercial and security needs.