As a forum to inform the investigators of current NSF program plans and initiatives, and to conduct general technical discussions to identify future research needs and priorities, the Structural Systems Program (SS) and the Architectural Systems Program (AMS) of the Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program (EHM) within the Biological and Critical Systems (BCS) Division conducts a grantee meeting/workshop among their current grantees on August 5/6, 1991. This project provides the support for such a grantee workshop during the summer of 1991 for the exchange of research results among participants. This project will (a) organize and convene the workshop, and (b) develop a technical program and management plan in order to proceed with final schedules, including over- all logistic and organizational matters, formal invitations to prospective grantee, etc. A special presentation will be made to report on the current and future programs at the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) at SUNY-Buffalo and an invited lecture will be given on the new development of Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques and their possible applications in earthquake engineering. A workshop report will be assembled from highlights of research projects, special lectures, and workshop recommendations for distribution to the research community and for use as program development references.