Constructed Civil Infrastructure Systems (CCIS) is one of the largest components of the civil engineering construction business in the United States. Development and implementation of advanced and innovative CCIS technologies are pivotal for maintaining the competitiveness of U.S. design and construction industries. In particular, with a "United Western European Community (EC) " beginning in 1993, potential high-volume business opportunities are emerging markets in previous Soviet Block Countries. Thus, it is important to identify CCIS state-of-the-art in Western Europe, forecast technology trends, and gain an understanding of the highly effective R&D mechanisms being developed and used successfully by western European countries for promoting and implementing innovation into practice in Western Europe. ASCE's Civil Engineering Research Foundation (CERF) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), in conjunction with the World Technology Evaluation Center (WTEC)/Japanese Technology Evaluation Center (JTEC), are organizing an International Task Force trip to selected sites in Western European countries. //