9313838 Wu In this project, computer models are developed for predicting noise levels inside a moving vehicle passenger compartment. Using these models, engineers are able to optimize vehicle design alternatives, and improve interior noise comfort level. The investigation provide a better understanding of the physics involved in sound generation and transmission mechanisms due to random acoustics, vibrations, and turbulent boundary-layer excitations. In addition, the results form a useful input to the development of design criteria for vehicle panel structures, sub-structures, and joint connections in order to minimize vibration and sound transmission into the passenger compartment. Coupled with vehicle structure and aerodynamic models, the acoustic models from this research project form a powerful design tool for accurately simulating the sound field inside a moving vehicle, and identifying the parameters that play a critical role in both vehicle pass-by noise radiation and noise levels within the passenger compartment. *** v s t $ $ ( F / 1 Times Symbol " Helvetica 5 Courier New " h % E E ! C R:WW20USERABSTRACT.DOT wu maryjohnson maryjohnson