9500006 Wang This award for a Grant Opportunity for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) research project will develop a new methodology for reducing geometric variation in aluminum automotive space frames. The space frame structures are fabricated in a "Tinker Toy" manner from aluminum extrusions, and they promise light weight, very good strength and crash worthiness. Tight geometric variation targets of less than 0.5 mm are are to assure good fit-up when these structures are joined, so they reach their full strength potential when used to fabricate features like door openings. The technical approach will use measurements of the structural shapes made with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), parameterizing this data as deviaitons form a geometric model of the desired structural form, and from this representation identify the needs for process improvement, modify tooling using rapid prototyping technology, and predicting tolerance stackup. Two of the types of problems that will be attacked that involve curvature: in one case nominally straight extrusions that have a bow, and in the other curved extrusions that have deviations from the design curvature or possibly multiple bends. This work began as a GOALI/EFI award with ALCOA in FY94, and this collaboration will continue with this research project. This will enable high volume manufacture of these light weight, structural frame members that contribute to safety and fuel economy in automobiles, aircraft, or where there are important strength to weight tradeoffs. ***