9501958 Barros New mathematical models will be developed for flood forecasting and control which will accommodate the non- stationarity in the hydrologic data and will integrate the interactions between geomorphic, hydraulic and hydrologic processes of flood-producing events. The objectives of the project are: to improve the estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) by resolving the orographic component of extreme storms; to create a novel method for estimating standard design storms; to establish generalized extreme flood forecast and drought forecast indices; to couple a physically-based precipitation model to a framework of surface and subsurface hydrology models currently in development by the United States Corps of Engineers; and to examine basic landscape dynamics by investigating the cause effect-feedback relationships between geomorphology and hydrology, between river morphology and hydraulics, and between land-use changes, geomorphology and hydrology. The educationally component of the project consists of a course renovation plan for teaching Engineering Hydrology aiming at the progressive inclusion in the classroom of the new concepts developed in the research phase and of emerging advanced computer technologies. ***