9525972 Zia A workshop on expected performance of concrete buildings in high-risk seismic areas is proposed by the Concrete Research and Education Foundation (ConREF) of the American Concrete Institute (ACI). The objective of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for the leading researchers and practitioners engaged in seismic design and construction to exchange ideas with a representative group of owners/developers, insurers, and financiers (lenders). Through the dialogues between the technical and nontechnical groups of the construction industry, the workshop will review the current knowledge and practice with respect to seismic design and construction of conarete buildings, identify the critical performance requirements for high-risk seismic areas (in addition to life-safety considerations), and define research needed in order to advance design methodology and construction practice. The proposed workshop based on experience gained after Northridge would bring together technical and non-technical groups to examine critical issues related to performance expectations versus design and construction costs for concrete buildings in highrisk seismic areas. It is expected that the workshop will be conducted in southern California in the fall of 1995. Major financial support of the workshop will be provided by the invited industrial participants through appropriate registration fees. A research agenda on seismic performance of concrete buildings will be formulated. ***