9711063 Liu This action is to provide travel funds for six US researchers to attend the Okushiri Tsunami Workshop '98, to be held in Hakodate and Okushiri, Japan, 12-16 July 1998. The workshop is being organized by Dr. Fumihiko Iamamura of Tohoku University, Japan. This is the third international workshop focusing on the runup of a tsunami onto a coastline. The first workshop was held at Catalina Island, CA in 1990, the second at Friday Habor, WA in 1995, both being supported entirely the National Science Foundation. The Okushiri tsunami workshop also marks the fifth anniversary of the 1993 devastating Hokkaido tsunami. Major topics to be discussed are: (1) Runup of a tsunami around an island, (2) Tsunami generation by landslides and tectonic movements, (3) Local tsunami runup, and (4) Disaster prevention and reconstruction. The PI will establish close communication, via Internet electronic mail, with US tsunami researchers who are unable to attend the workshop. ***