9806052 Peric A POWRE award will enable the PI to perform advanced geotechnical tests at the Geotechnical Laboratory of Northwestern University, utilizing a plane strain apparatus. The project concentrates on elucidation of two major features of progressive failure of overconsolidated clays: material properties and failure mechanism. The primary objectives are to develop diagnostic failure analysis that will enable systematization of major laboratory and in situ soil strength tests by ranking them according to their degree of susceptibility in instabilities and localization; and to closely observe and investigate the mechanisms of plane strain deformation of overconsolidated clays. Subsequent numerical simulations will explore whether the plane strain experiments can be successfully used for the extraction of constitutive properties. The classification of the laboratory testes will utilize the notions of homogeneously deforming samples as opposed to boundary value problems. It will improve the method of selection of soil strength parameters for design purposes. The project will further the career of the PI by extensively in her publications, thus enabling her to develop a balanced combination of theoretical and experimental expertise in her field. ***