CMS-9814023, Poul V. Lade, Johns Hopkins U. This action is to support an international workshop on the physics and mechanics of soil liquefaction. The objective is to exchange information, knowledge, and ideas about current investigations into the processes of instability and liquefaction of soils resulting from earthquake- induced strong ground motions. Emphasis is placed on experimental research and the workshop will concentrate on understanding the liquefaction phenomenon under static and cyclic loading. The Workshop will bring together experimentalists in the field of soil liquefaction to review current knowledge, to present recent findings, and to exchange ideas on research in the areas of instability and liquefaction. A fundamental understanding of the liquefaction process is necessary to improve criteria and methods for predicting the collapse of saturated soils, to enhance the triggering analysis, to develop mitigation measures, to evaluate the effectiveness of practical remedial techniques, and to ultimately improve current design recommendations.