This proposal is to request funding for the Fifth Bridge Research in Progress Workshop to be held in September 2000. The first workshop was held in Des Moines, Iowa in September 1988. The second workshop was held two years later in Reno, Nevada, in October 1990. The third workshop was held in San Diego, CA in November 1992. The first three workshops were held on a biannual basis. and the fourth workshop in Buffalo, NY, scheduled for 1995, was held in June of 1996 due to scheduling conflicts. All of the workshop were funded by the National Science Foundation and provided a forum for the coordination of bridge research in North America.
A Fifth workshop on bridge research in progress is long overdue. The intended objectives of the workshop are the following:
1. To determine the nature and extent of bridge research currently in progress throughout North America conducted by federal, state and local transportation agencies, universities, research institutions, and other organizations; 2. To identify sources of bridge research funding; 3. To identify both current and long-term bridge research needs; 4. To provide a forum for exchange of ideas and information among researchers, funding agencies, bridge designers, and owners; 5. To produce proceedings that summarizes the current bridge research activities for dissemination to bridge research program directors, researchers, educators, bridge owners, consulting engineers, and state and federal agencies interested in bridge research.