Governors State University (GSU) - a university with a high enrollment of women, minorities, and nontraditional students - proposes to increase the number of students completing undergraduate degrees in Computer Science with a four part program. The first program component will improve the success rate in GSU's entry level computer programming courses with peer tutoring, online support and demonstration, and an Internet-enabled integrated development environment. The second component will build new relationships with two private lower division colleges serving underrepresented groups, developing articulation agreements with Morton College and Northwestern Business College. The third component will strengthen the faculty relationships between GSU and its partnering community colleges by extending a Distinguished Lecture Series to partnering community colleges, and developing a summer faculty conference focused on curriculum development, articulations, dual admissions, and joint advising. Finally, the fourth component will bridge students to research by the extension of faculty and student research participation teams at Argonne National Laboratory and the expansion of a distinguished lecture series.