This award is aimed to aid US students to attend the ACM/IEEE 35th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture which will be held in Beijing, China, in June 2008. The ACM/IEEE Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) is the flagship conference in computer architecture and its conference proceedings are viewed as the most prestigious publication venue in the computer architecture community. The symposia started in 1973 and it has been sponsored by the two most important academic organizations in computer architecture, the Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The majority of historically high-impact publications on computer architecture have been published in this conference. It is a significant event that the 35th Annual Symposium of ISCA will be held in Beijing, China, in June 2008. This will be the first ISCA meeting held in China since the symposia started in 1973. This award will assist deserving students to attend and present their work at the meeting.