This grant funds a two-day workshop that brings together academic, industrial, and government participants with diverse expertise and backgrounds to explore future directions in networked sensing systems, and to make recommendations to the NSF on potential new research initiatives. The participants (i) review the current state of technology, application, and education, (ii) identify promising new technology and application directions that may drive the networked sensing systems of the future, (iii) identify the implications of networked sensing systems in other areas such as on Internet architecture, and security & privacy management, and (iv) identify open problems that are current barriers to the large scale use of networked sensing systems. Focus topics include the current state of networked sensing systems; system software, communications, embedded processing, energy harvesting, sensing, actuation, human interfaces; theoretical advances such as sensor signal processing, control theory, information theory and science, online and randomized algorithms, data management, statistics, and machine learning; constraints posed by newly emerging applications; and the impact of Internet architecture on networked sensing systems.