This project develops the DARwIn-miniature-humanoid-robot platform with advance computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability to enable many exciting research, education, and outreach activities. Two models of DARwIn robot, DARwIn-HP (High Performance) and DARwIn-LC (Low Cost), will be designed, fabricated, and built for distribution to 11 partner universities (including major research universities, RUI institutions, a women's college, and two local high schools) to establish a humanoid-robotics community. The project engages the humanoid-robotics community in a concerted effort to advance humanoid robotics.
The research results from the humanoid-robotics community will find applications in assistive robotics technology for the elderly, intelligent humanoids, and homeland security and the military. The partner universities will utilize DARwIn robots in their classroom teaching and projects as well as outreach activities to recruit high-school students and encourage them to select computer science or engineering for their career choices. An annual workshop will be organized and a website will be developed to broaden the DARwIn project and disseminate results. Public demonstrations of the robots at various high-impact events such as FIRST robotics competitions will capture the minds of K-12 students and promote interest in computer science and engineering among them.