The purpose of this travel grant is to support 10-15 graduate students from the United States to participate in the 11th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Net working (IEEE WoWMoM), to be held in Montreal, Canada on June 14-17, 2010.
IEEE WoWMoM is a high quality conference and is the premier technical forum dedicated to addressing state-of-the-art challenges and directing future directions in wireless mobile multimedia networking. Participation in this conference provides the students an opportunity to interact with peers and more senior researchers, thus having the opportunity to be exposed to leading edge work in the field of wireless and mobile multimedia networks. The support of this grant enables the participation of the US-based students who would otherwise be unable to attend IEEE WoWMoM 2010.
The student selection process will consider the following: 1) students from groups traditionally underrepresented; 2) students from universities that traditionally lack funding to support graduate student attendance at conferences; and 3) students who will present their papers during the conference. Priority will be given to the graduate students from underrepresented groups, such as women, African American, Hispanics, and Native American students, and from universities that lack financial resources.
This is a travel grant for the IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networking (WoWMoM) held on June 14-17, in Montreal, Canada. To ensure an equal opportunity for all interested individuals to apply for the travel funds, the program was advertised in several ways, including an announcement on the WoWMoM 2010 and IEEE TCCC web pages and repeated announcements on e-mail mailing lists. EDAS was used as a collection point for applications and processing submissions and reviews and also was used to advertise the travel fund directly to the authors. A deadline of Friday, May 28, 2010 was set for the receipt of applications. The applicants were asked to send materials to the award committee. Each member independently ranked the applications. Discussions were hold to finalize the decisions. Recipients were required to accept the award by Friday, June 4, 2010 so that alternates can be notified in the event that a recipient declines. 8 students were selected at various levels of support. All students accepting the offer were asked to participate during all days of the conference. The support mainly covered their travel expenses including flight, lodging, and meals. The students were exposed to cutting edge research at the conference and had the opportunities to interact with the leaders in the corresponding research domain.