This project will support experimentation with the eXtensible Session Protocol (XSP) and the Phoebus network accelerator platform across various GENI substrates and platforms. XSP and Phoebus are innovative network initiatives that enable improved network performance and functionality. Phoebus will provide dramatically improved performance across networks with diverse technologies and characteristics, including emerging ultra-high speed optical networks as well as ubiquitous wireless networks. XSP provides the scaffolding to address the various well-known limitations in the Internet architecture including support for enhanced security, separation of location and identity in the routing infrastructure, and dynamic network service qualities driven by the user.
These experiments will deploy a novel session layer framework on a wireless testbed, as well as in a high-performance environment, like the Supercharged PlanetLab Platform. Security mechanisms and the performance effects of the Phoebus performance inlay will be evaluated. A novel session rendez-vous technique will be developed. Graduate students will gain critical research experience working on this project.