1329875 (Hu). Despite their importance within the energy sector, buildings have not kept pace with technological improvements and particularly the introduction of intelligent features. A primary obstacle in enabling intelligent buildings is their highly distributed and diffuse nature. To address this challenge, a modular approach will be investigated for building design, construction, and operation that would completely transform the building industry. Buildings would be assembled from a set of pre-engineered intelligent modules and commissioned on site in a "plug-and-play" manner much like a "LEGO" set but with added capability of (a) allowing for easy configuration and re-configuration that can be integrated to provide delivery of thermal and visual comfort, ventilation; (b) providing optimized controls in terms of overall occupant satisfaction and energy efficiency and performance monitoring. The primary goal of the research is to develop and demonstrate innovative concepts for distributed intelligence along with a new paradigm for plug-and-play building control that is a necessary precursor in enabling this transformation. To accomplish these tasks, the investigators constitute a multidisciplinary team with expertise from three engineering disciplines, namely Civil (Architectural), Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering. The intellectual merit of this research lies in developing a unified approach that advances the engineering of cyber-physical systems (CPS) for buildings by contributing to the following fields: (a) modeling and identification of building subsystems and integrated systems; (b) multi-agent system networks that enable distributed intelligent monitoring and control of multi-zone buildings; (c) optimal control algorithms for stochastic hybrid systems that can optimize the operation of buildings with mode changes under uncertainty. These contributions will be integrated in simulation and experimental platforms for multi-agent building system networks to validate the developed algorithms and to provide a new CPS-based technological solution to the control and optimization of modular buildings. An initial knowledge/technology base will be provided for scalable, adaptive, robust, and efficient engineering solutions for cyber-enabled building systems that will transform the current building operation practice, enabling the next generation of smart buildings with optimized comfort delivery and energy use. The broader impacts of this project are: (a) Theoretical development of modeling representations, algorithms, and simulation tools that will impact a number of scientific communities, including Civil/Architectural, Mechanical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Operations Research. The proposed new principles for heterogeneous multi-agent system networks, distributed intelligence, and optimal hybrid control algorithms will have impacts in a diverse range of fields outside of building systems such as power systems, transportation systems, robotics, etc.; (b) Integration of the proposed modeling, simulation, and experimental platforms into new teaching modules and experiential learning activities that support the curriculum development in three engineering schools and Purdue?s first year engineering program; (c) Dissemination of research outcomes to the industry to open up a new horizon of business and economy that would enable the growth of green and intelligent buildings; (d) The creation of outreach and engagement initiatives that motivate K-12 teachers and students in STEM learning and research, broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in engineering, and motivate undergraduate students to participate in research related to emerging CPS topics.