This project will develop a new modeling framework to enable compelling new vertically integrated computer architecture research. The framework, called the PyMTL by the PIs, leverages the Python programming language to create a highly productive domain-specific embedded language for concurrent structural modeling and hardware design. The use of Python as a modeling and framework implementation language provides considerable benefit in terms of productivity. The proposal also describes plans for integrating PyMTL into the computer engineering curriculum, and ongoing educational and industry outreach efforts.
The project will enable research projects on data-parallel accelerators; accelerators for dynamic programming languages; on-chip interconnection networks; full-chip high-level synthesis; and domain-specific specification and compilation for FPGAs. It is also envisioned that other researchers at PIs' institution, and more broadly within the computer architecture community, will use PyMTL to enable fundamental advances in a variety of areas. The project also consists of a plan for engaging the computer architecture research community through an online based portal, conference tutorials, online tutorials, example lab assignments, cloud-based development environments, and PyMTL beta-testing.