This project, developing a new integrated instrument for neuroimaging and brain mapping, based on specialized software and unique hardware designs, aims to elicit new understanding of the functional mappings of the brain in its normal and pathology states focusing on key neurological disorders. Envisioning the brain in terms of the structural, functional, and brain connectivity maps under fully integrated recording modalities breaks the barriers of very challenging time and space alignments. This also bridges scientific premises in building system designs and novel software techniques that improve the delivery of patient-care in terms of enhanced diagnosis as well as well-thought-out treatment protocols. The work focuses on challenging neurological disorders of epilepsy, Alzeimer's disease and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD-ADHD) and related cognitive challenges so as to provide effective subject-centric care. The general construct of the software algorithms and the hardware components of this instrument facilitates research endeavors and applications that extend to other neurological disorders (such as Parkinson) to be addressed using novel hardware interfaces and related software modules and protocols.
This project utilizes a unique approach at collecting data in a fully integrated setting across different recording modalities to elicit new understanding of the functional mapping of the brain and in delineating normal state from the specific pathology state of these challenging neurological disorders. It performs pioneering work on integration in a same setting of non-invasive navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for mapping the eloquent cortex and instigating new protocols with embedded alignments and full registration to - Neuro-navigation and pre-surgical evaluation, - Anatomical and functional MRI for MRI/fMRI-guided magnetic stimulation, and - Microcoil designs embedded into MRI and fully integrated with EEG electrodes for pinpointed TMS-MRI-fMRI and EEG integration, all of which are to yield a fully integrated instrument with the ability to augment capabilities for mapping, analysis, and diagnosis, followed by elaborate intervention and treatment protocols for these different neurological disorders.