This project, developing an Information Assurance and Performance (IAP) Infrastructure for the Internet of Things (IoT) in which sensing and actuation is embedded in everyday objects connected via the Internet, has the potential to support an increased level of intelligent, dynamic decision making across a wide array of domains, such as smart cities, intelligent agriculture, and emergency response management. IAP is expected to enable projects in IoT security and performance and related technologies (e.g., robust data storage schemes and elastic provisioning algorithms for cloud based systems). The infrastructure consists of mobile and embedded IoT devices, IoT edge computing servers, software defined networking (SDN) switches, high performance and reliable data storage, software components implementing research communication protocols, elastic algorithms, and computational offloading in IoT systems.
Research projects are enabled by the construction of the testbed hardware, algorithms/protocols/schemes, and the corresponding software implementation. The projects described should result in the exploration of: scalable & trustworthy architectures & networking protocols for IoT systems, role-based behavioral threat detection approaches for IoT systems, elastic provisioning algorithms for cloud-based centers, and risk-aware failure identification for expedited recovery.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.